Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This week truly flew by.  I can`t really remember what happened. Haha welcome to the mission!

This week we did a lot of service, which has ended up being a GREAT way to meet new people, and strengthen relationships with people we already know.  We cleaned stores, organized day care centers, and shucked about 150 pieces of dried corn.

We also went to Arequipa this week which was incredible.  We got to stay with “Grandma and Grandpa” at the mission home, and had some good bonding time with them.  On Friday we had an amazing multi-zone mission conference…my last one.  It was so good! President Zobrist taught us about the importance of tithing and the sacrament.  We made a goal as a mission to be at Sacrament meeting 15 minutes early (which worked out great this week, because the missionaries were the only ones, and we planned a special musical number in 10 minutes. Haha)  The assistants taught us about fear, and love.  They taught us that when we have fear, the spirit is gone.  When will a missionary EVER have success without the spirit? We have to trust in God. (I`m sure this is funny hearing from me…) Have you ever thought about how God feels when we have fear?  He will NEVER make us suffer anything that weren't completely necessary for our Salvation in the end.

This weekend when we got home from Arequipa one of the investigators here that has been assisting church for the last 3 years finally got baptized! She never could before because she wasn't married. After her baptism we got back and the plaza was PACKED with people.  Happy 189th anniversary Caylloma!  It was hilarious.  My companion and I got a picture with Mickey Mouse, a bunch of passed out drunken people, and pretended to sing the National Anthem of our beloved Peru.

Saturday night the relief society got together and made pizza.  It was great! I got a ton of marriage advice, and got my hair braided too. I love these women so much!

It was indeed an eventful week.  Time is flying by uncontrollably. Last night I had a little melt down in the middle of the street realizing how little time I have left, and that I`m going to have to leave all this behind shortly.  I love this work more than I ever thought I would.  My life has forever been changed.  “I am engaged in my Master`s business; I am a minister of Jehovah to proclaim His will to the nations.  I go to unlock the door of life to a mighty nation, to publish to millions the principles of life, light and truth, intelligence and salvation, to burst their fetters, liberate the oppressed, reclaim the wandering, correct their views, improve their morals, save them from degradation, ruin, and misery, and lead them to light, life, truth and celestial glory.” –John Taylor.

I love you all!

Chivay Corn Festival.

  The circus came to town!!

  Hey…look what I found.

  Anniversary of Chivay!
The way the men in Chivay celebrate….yikes.
  Hermana Julia`s baptism.
  Mandarins…reminding me of Loomis.
That`s a good companionship right there. Teaching her my ways. #snapbackswag

  Llama friend.
  Cutest outfit yet. Nailed it Carls.
Cute little Peruvian ladies. Love them!

  We almost won the alpaca weaving competition.
Parade of Peruvians.

  Look who came to visit for the anniversary. Nailed it!
Happy Anniversary Caylloma!

Monday, June 16, 2014

work until He stops me....

Alright...happy birthday shout outs to my Cami cam tomorrow! 21 baby! Wish I could be there. And grandma on Saturday...turning 21 too! Wish I could be there. Hahaha. Just kidding grams.

Well...This week started with Hermana Weller saying, “I feel like nothing exciting or crazy ever happens to us up here anymore…” AND…what do you think happened? Yes. It was the craziest week of probably my entire mission. Classic!

First off…Victor got baptized on Saturday!! Our first baptism here in Chivay... It was awesome. He got baptized in the hot springs at 6:30 am.  We were all bundled up and freezing, and extremely tired from everything that happened the night before, but it was so worth it! During the baptism there were 3 kids swimming around…we had to ask them nicely not to splash while we were doing the baptism. Haha.  After his baptism we all went back to his restaurant for breakfast and made egg and hot dog sandwiches…welcome to Peru people!

Friday was the craziest day of my whole mission.  For right now I can`t really tell you all what happened on Friday night for a few reasons, but maybe I will tell you when I get home. It was insane. BEFORE the craziness we had the funnest game night ever! It was such a cool activity.  Sister Weller and I planned and prepared a bunch of “minute to win it” games and everyone loved it.  We also almost won the ward ping pong tournament…almost.

Yesterday I got to give a talk in church about repentance and the forgiveness that our loving Father in Heaven has for us when we go to Him with a sincere heart and true desires to change.  I found something in Preach my Gospel the other day when I was studying that says, “Bringing our lives in line with God`s will through repentance is the central purpose of our lives.”  Amazing huh? The CENTRAL PURPOSE of our life is to repent.  I shared the story of Alma the younger in Alma 36 as well.  I love in verse 21 it says, “Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains.  Yea, and again I say unto you my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.”  Don`t get stuck in sin, but remember that you have a merciful Father in Heaven who forgives.

I love the light in the eyes of someone who changes their life, and I ABSOLUTELY love the work I am doing. "I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ. I must go until He comes, give until I drop, preach all I know, and work until He stops me"

Love you all! Have a beautiful week in sunny California!

Oh. PS. We play Ghana today in the world cup...USA!!!
  Off to Yanque!

  Cant get enough alpaca. YUM!
  Ping pong tournament
  Long story. One day you`ll hear it all.
First baptism  baby!
Got a special little package this week from Erik Valerio. Happy Carli!

  Preparing for our game night

Monday, June 9, 2014

Free hand knitted sweater vests..

Wow. This week flew by. I don`t even know what to write.  We went to Arequipa on Tuesday and Wednesday for a zone meeting.  President Zobrist showed up at the end and talked about Ether 12:4.  It was SO cool.

My companion and I went to the mission office after our meeting and got to spend a little time talking with President, and receiving some awesome advice. Love that man so much!

We got back and Thursday night had our first mutual activity (which turned out to be a HUGE HIT!) We planned a service race, and one kid showed up…so we turned on a Mormon message about the Law of Chastity instead.

On Friday we had a ward BBQ…all jokes aside, this one really was a huge success.  We ended up using 20 hot dogs, and 40 hamburgers. Posting a sign that says “Free food” really brought the crowds.  We spent about 3 hours making French fries and hanging out with the moms of Chivay in the kitchen.

Saturday morning some members from Arequipa came up and brought 7 garbage bags of hand knitted clothing for the kids up here…another successful activity.  It turned out wonderfully…plus, who doesn`t love a free hand knitted sweater vest…am I right?

Church on Sunday was great. We had 35 people show up.  That`s the most that we`ve had the entire time we`ve been here in Chivay. Our primary class was hoppin' with 9 kids!

Also, I`m really nailin it with the Spanish… This week I told a woman we sleep in a truck instead of a bunk bed. And later I asked why the youth here always go to the Biblioteca and get drunk…discoteca is dance club…biblioteca is library. Watch out for those library parties you guys! 

This week I read an amazing talk by President Utchdorf called “Lift Where You Stand” from October 2010 in the priesthood session of conference.  He talks a lot about service in the church, and the building up of the kingdom of God, which has become such a special place in my heart these last 15 months.  He says, “Every calling provides an opportunity to serve, and to grow…whatever your calling, I urge you to see it as an opportunity not only to strengthen and bless others, but also to become what Heavenly Father wants you to become.” No matter what your calling in the church, you are capable of more than you think. God calls us to succeed, never to fail.

Love you all! Have a good week!

 Secretary Stone
 Ward BBQ
 Relief society at the ward BBQ
 After our baby clothes activity
 HAHHA yaaaa girl
 Movie night, popcorn pros
 Matching long striped skirt day!
Cute sleeping picture on the way to Arequipa.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Traditional Dresses and Fat Sauce...


Wow, so many fun emails and wonderful news this week. Especially about Suzi... I was almost in tears. I`m so proud of you Suz! And also…can`t forget my birthday shout outs. MARCUS HUNT!!!  Happy birthday tomorrow big guy!! And…MADDIE NETHERCOTT! Love you both. Enjoy your day. Be good.

This week we had some pretty cool experiences.  On Monday night we had Family night at the Relief Society Presidents house and we invited the entire ward.  15 people showed up. It was awesome! The Elders prepared the lesson and the games, and Hermana Weller and I prepared the food. We nailed it with….bread and jam. Sorry mom! Such a disgrace. Haha.

We worked a bunch this last week with Brenda and her little brother Junior.  I don’t know if I have updated you much with her.  She made the decision to be baptized together with her little brother, but her dad didn’t give them permission.  We`ve been trying to visit him to help explain a little bit about WHY they want to be baptized.  (Wait. Quick side bar from the spiritual story…Junior, 8 years old, asked me yesterday if we could baptized his dog. Hahaha wish we could, I hate that dang dog. Maybe it would change him for the better. Anyway...) On Thursday our zone leaders came up to Chivay to visit, and we took one of them Elder Jacobson, to help us teach Brenda’s dad.  The lesson was AMAZING. Definitely one of the most incredible of my entire mission… I couldn`t hold it together. The spirit was so strong the whole time. Whenever Angel (Brenda’s dad) felt it, he pulled out his phone or looked away or tried to avoid it by changing the subject.  It was pretty funny, he didn’t know what to do or how to stop this amazing feeling of peace that we later explained to him was the Holy Ghost.  The latest news from him is that he gave his kids permission to get baptized at the end of the month! Woo!

While the zone leaders were here in Chivay on Friday morning we went to Hermano Victor`s restaurant and made eggs, pancakes, and bacon.  It was SO yummy! We also stole President Zobrist`s “Fat Sauce” recipe to put on the pancakes. Don’t even ask…we`ll be working out for a week to burn that baby off!

Friday night we stopped by Brenda’s for a quick lesson and ended up trying on her traditional Peruvian dresses from the Colca pueblo and dancing for her.  President Zobrist always says, “Just do what you gotta do.” Well…her dad was laughing hysterically and asking to take pictures with us so….WORTH IT!

I hope your week at home was as spiritual, wonderful, fun and event filled as mine was.  I love you all, I love this church, and I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.

 Bacon, eggs and pancakes
  Pizza at Hot Stone with our zone leaders.

  Day 2. Breakfast at Hot Stone Pizza. Day 2. Breakfast at Hot Stone Pizza.

 I did it! I tried guinea pig!
Jessicas Baptism. One of the elders investigators!

 Talk on the Holy Ghost

13 people in a 7 seater van. Welcome to Peru.
 Alpaca, yum!
 Bacon Crew
Got the traditional dresses on. HOLLA AT COLCA!